Memory Management Illustration Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Master Memory Management: Create Your Own malloc Library from Scratch

Have you ever wondered how your computer juggles all those bytes behind the scenes? πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive deep into the fascinating world of dynamic memory allocation!

In this article, we'll unravel the mysteries of malloc β€” its raison d'Γͺtre, its inner workings, and most excitingly, how to build it yourself using mmap/munmap functions and some clever memory handling algorithms. Don't worry if that sounds like a mouthful; we'll break it down step by step. And for those who love to get their hands dirty with code, I've got a treat for you: my completed project is available on GitHub for your perusal and tinkering pleasure. So, let's roll up our sleeves and become memory management maestros! 🎩✨

Memory Allocation Concept

Memory Management: The Good, The Bad, and The Dynamic

Let's start with a quick refresher on how C manages variables in memory. It's like a well-organized library, but with some quirks:

  • Static and global variables: Think of these as the reference section. They're always there, from the moment the program starts until it ends. They live in the main memory alongside the program's code.
  • Automatic duration variables: These are like short-term loans. They pop into existence when a function is called and vanish when it returns. You'll find them hanging out on the stack.

Now, this system works great for many things, but it has two major limitations:

  1. Size Rigidity: Imagine trying to fit a novel into a bookshelf when you don't know how many pages it has. That's the problem with compile-time allocation β€” you need to know the size in advance.
  2. Lifespan Inflexibility: It's like books that can only be checked out for a fixed duration. Sometimes you need more flexibility in when to create or destroy variables.

Enter the hero of our story: dynamic allocation! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Dynamic Allocation and mmap: The Dynamic Duo

Memory Mapping Illustration

Here's where things get interesting. The UNIX kernel, in its infinite wisdom, provides us with a superpower called a system call. One such call is the mmap() function, which acts like a magical bridge between physical memory and virtual addresses. It's like having a teleporter for data! 🌌

While mmap is our focus today, it's worth noting that there's another contender in town: sbrk. Both are tools in our memory management utility belt, but mmap is particularly adept at juggling memory and virtual addresses.

malloc: The Unsung Hero

Now, you might be wondering, "If mmap can give us memory, why do we need malloc?" Excellent question, dear reader! 🧐

Imagine if every time you needed a new piece of paper, you had to go to the store. That's essentially what happens with system calls β€” they're time-consuming. Most programs are memory gluttons, constantly requesting and releasing memory. If we made a system call for each of these operations, our programs would crawl along like snails in molasses.

This is where malloc swoops in to save the day. Think of it as your personal paper hoarder. It grabs a big stack of paper (memory) in advance, so when you need a sheet, it's right there waiting for you. Sure, you might have a bit of extra paper lying around (a small memory overhead), but the speed boost is well worth it!

Implementation: Let's Build This Thing!

The Library: Your Memory Management Toolkit

The malloc library is like a Swiss Army knife for memory management. Here's what it offers:

  • malloc: Allocates a block of memory and hands you the keys (a pointer to its start).
  • free: When you're done with the memory, you give the keys back to free(), and it takes care of the cleanup.
  • realloc: Need more (or less) space? realloc has got you covered. It adjusts the size of your memory block while keeping your data intact.

Data Structure: The Blueprint of Our Memory Kingdom

Let's break down the architecture of our memory management system:

  • Heap: This is a memory zone allocated by mmap. Think of it as a large plot of land.
  • Blocks: These are the buildings on our land. Each heap is filled with blocks.

Both heaps and blocks have metadata at their start, like a signpost giving information about the property. Here's what a heap with one block looks like (imagine this after a single malloc call):

Heap and Block Structure

Let's get a bit more technical with our metadata structures:

Metadata Structures

By chaining blocks with next and prev pointers, we create a linked list of memory blocks. This allows us to navigate through the heap and access any block we need. It's like creating a map of our memory kingdom!

Block Chaining

Performance: Size Matters

To make our memory allocation more efficient, we categorize blocks into three sizes: SMALL, TINY, and LARGE. It's like having different-sized moving boxes for different items. As a rule of thumb, we aim to fit at least 100 SMALL and TINY blocks inside their own heap. LARGE blocks, being the odd ones out, don't get the preallocation treatment.

Here's a pro tip: When defining the size of a heap, it's more efficient to use a multiple of the system's page size. You can find this value using the getpagesize() function or by running getconf PAGE_SIZE in your terminal. On my system, it's 4096 bytes.

Let's crunch some numbers to determine our heap sizes:

Heap Size Calculations

The malloc Algorithm: Finding the Perfect Spot

When malloc is called, it's like a real estate agent looking for the perfect property. Here's how it goes about its search:

  1. It checks its records (a global variable) for any existing heap lists.
  2. It tours each heap, looking for a suitable vacant space using the first fit strategy. This means it grabs the first free block that's big enough.
  3. If no suitable block is found, it adds a new block to the end of the last heap.
  4. If the last heap is full, it creates a new heap by calling mmap (time to buy more land!).

Malloc Algorithm Flowchart

Free and the Fragmentation Problem: Memory Tetris

Memory Fragmentation

When free is called, it marks the requested block as available. However, this can lead to a fragmentation problem, much like a game of memory Tetris where the pieces don't quite fit together.

To combat this, we employ a few strategies:

  • If adjacent blocks are free, we merge them (combining Tetris pieces).
  • If it's the last block in the heap and we have more than one preallocated heap, we return the memory to the system using munmap.

Free Algorithm

Realloc: The Shape-shifter

Think of realloc as a shape-shifting spell for your memory blocks. It's essentially a combination of malloc, memcpy, and free.

A word of caution: if you call realloc with a size of zero, the behavior can vary. In my implementation, I chose a "lazy" approach that simply returns the original pointer. However, it's important to note that realloc(ptr, 0) should not be used as a substitute for free. Always use the right tool for the job!

Testing: Putting Our Creation to Work

The best way to test our malloc implementation is to use it in real-world scenarios. Let's create a simple script to inject our malloc into existing commands:

Test Script

Save this as and use it like so: sh ${CMD}. Now you can test your malloc with commands like ls or vim!

A Note on Memory Alignment

During my testing, I encountered an interesting quirk: certain commands like vim would cause a segmentation fault on MacOS. The culprit? Memory alignment.

It turns out that the MacOS malloc aligns data on 16-byte boundaries. To implement this in our version, we can use a simple trick: size = (size + 15) & ~15. This ensures our memory allocations play nicely with MacOS expectations.

And there you have it, folks! We've journeyed through the intricate world of memory management, built our own malloc library, and even tackled some real-world challenges along the way. I hope this deep dive has illuminated the inner workings of memory allocation for you.

Remember, practice makes perfect. If you want to explore further or need a reference, don't forget to check out the complete implementation on my GitHub. Happy coding, and may your memory always be well-managed! πŸš€πŸ§ 

Last updated on 8/29/2024

Published on 6/1/2019

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