About @jterrazz

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Hey there 👋 ! My name is Jean-Baptiste, a passionate developer from Paris.

Explore my portfolio and embark on a journey about open technologies and software development. See how these technologies integrate into my future projects, and discover articles that highlight milestones of my coding career.

I'm passionate about decentralization and finance, and always looking for new ways to innovate in these areas. That's why I'm building Open.MT, a new platform that brings the power of openness to merchants.

I love connecting with fellow developers and discussing new ideas! Let's connect on Twitter or pm me at jterrazzoni@gmail.com

My tech journey

My passion for technology since my youngest age led me into joining the most innovative programming school: the Paris 42 School. From my background in computer science and finance, I acquired a diverse set of skills to build amazing applications. I've had the opportunity to work with some amazing people, including the teams of Bankin and Bridge.

I am now a versatile developer ready to offer solutions outside of the traditional developer's framework. Beside acquiring the latest skills in Software and Web development, I thrive in fast-paced environments and I am able to collaborate efficiently with you.

I'm always curious for new adventures, so don't hesitate to contact me with your crazy ideas!

GitHackathons —  ArticlesPhotographsLinkedInTwitter